sahabat itu segalanya bagi gue. selalu ada disaat senang,sedih,galau, dan rela ngelakuin kekonyolan demi sahabat:)
sahabat tercinta gue yang paling utama dan paling gue sayang ga lain dan ga bukan Uci Indra Putri Dan Ridho Anuari
sahabat dari masa kecil sahabat dari rully sederhana yang punya banyak keindahan kedamaian dan kesatuan:)
1. Uci Indra Putri : cantik,galak,baik,cemburuan dan yang pastinya selalu ada untuk gue,selalu ngasih gue motivasi. uci lahir tanggal 25mei beda 3 bulan doangg sama gue,tapi gue sama dia sering berantem juga loh hahaha.
2. Ridho Anuari nah ini nih sahabat terganteng gue, yah dari dulu dia jadi rebutan gue,uci,qoni,siska,ayu dan banyak lagi. well bokap nya Ido *panggilanakrab* udah ngasih kode ke gue,hahah tapi gue sama dia cuma sahabat ga lebih. ido orangnya baik banget,pinter dan so pasti dia punya 2 adik yang unyu banget *.*
2 orang itu sahabat terterterbaik gue sepanjang masa brooo:0
nah sahabat di Depok juga banyak beud ,ada: Dimas Noor,Hesti Pratiwi,Mitha Monica, Risma ayu, ika,Ismi Suryanis. kalau ereka selalu open sama gue wkwkw sayang banget sama mereka dah ah
trustrus kalau sobat gue yang gokil abis,yang kerjaan nya ngakak mulu bikin mules dah. chek it out
1. Carolina Dwita Natalia yappp si penggemar Spongebob dan Avril Lavigne ini camen nya ga nahan,ada aja yang bikin dia ngakak.kalau udah ngakak jarang beud bisa berhenti-_- oh iya dia gabisa moveon loh kalau moveon orng nya ituitu aja ga ada yang lain. walaupun radarada dia tetep cantik *huek Pinter, and rela berkorban
2. Armelia Agustina... nah si armel ini banyak banget panggilan nya ada mamelKiong,Mbamel,armeliasungkar, ampe nama gue pun ikut di copas. yah mamel ini adalah saiang terberat gue,gue selalu aja ngeledekin dia hahaha-__- mamel orangnya baik,cantik sih,pinter juga lah tapi yang paling penting diantara kitakita mamel yang punya banyak keunukan
3. Salsabila Jihan atau SalsaBJ ini orang hampir sama kaya Dwita, ngakak mulu bawaannya. dia yang paling gaul,manis,cantik dan paling laku dah ah. terlihat sangat kece waktu nyengir behelnya ga nahan.
4. Aqnes Natasia Destri anak mam lidia,players basket ball, gokil abis frontal frontilan nya, cantik dan pastinya dia batak kece
lanjut yahh ke Pendopoes/Kpopers
disitu ada:
1, Olga siii unyu imut dan pastinya slalu ngefans sama SMASH, BD super7 dan Aldi Coboy junior. olga orangnya sangat sangat setia banget, dia pinter beud
2. Alma nah ini nih yang satusatu nya gigi dipagerin,paling suka ama Heecul di SUJU,cantik,baik dan pastinya pipi nya cubby beud dah ah pengen nyubit muluuu
3.Nabiilla jangan ditanya dah, dia yang paling fanatik banget sama SUJU apalagi Kyuhyun nyaa beh ini patut di acungi jempol
4. Rahma juga ELF
5.Riska yadong banget sama kaya yuni
6. Audri fanatik dan suka banget sama jepang
Edmund "Ed" Pevensie (1930-1949) was the third of the pevensie children; and after his younger sister, lucy,
second to enter the magical world of Narnia. He was mischievous and
rather rude, but, as described in the book, changed in both the movie
and the book largely after his experience with the white wicht Edmund was crowned King of narnia along with his brother and sisters. At the coronation, he received the Narnian titles, King Edmund the Just, Duke of Lantern Waste and Count of the Western March, Knight of the Noble Order of the Table.
Edmund was born in 1930, the third child of his parents. In 1932, when he was two, his sister Lucy was born. At this time, the Pevensie family
lived in London, England. Edmund began attending boarding school with
his brother Peter in 1939, at the age of nine. The experience was
apparently a bad one for him, as his personality afterwards began to
worsen. Around this time, World War II began. In the summer of 1940,
Edmund and his siblings were evacuated from London due to the German
bombings on the city. They were sent to live in the countryside with an
old professor called Professor Kirke, (Digory Kirke, as he was also known). Shortly after their arrival, Edmund began mocking his sister Lucy, who professed to have seen and visited a magical country hidden in the house inside a wardrobe.
Winter Rebellion
Shortly afterwards, Edmund followed his sister through the wardrobe
where she claimed her magical country existed. He was shocked to
discover she had been telling the truth, as he found himself in a wintry
forest. Whilst exploring the forest, he soon stumbled across a sleigh
carrying a lady.Edmund with Queen Jadis
The woman introduced herself as Jadis, the Queen of Narnia.
After inviting him to sit and talk with her, and conjuring him food and
drink, the Queen confided in Edmund that she had always wanted a son
like him to be her heir. Over the course of their chat, Edmund told her a
great deal about his family, and that Lucy had already visited her country and that she had met a faun (Mr.Tumnus).
She offered to make him a prince if he brought his siblings to her
realm of Narnia to make them dukes and duchesses. Edmund agreed and
promised to keep it a surprise, bidding farewell to the Queen. Shortly
afterwards, he found Lucy in the forest, and the two returned to the
Professor's house. Lucy warned Edmund if he ever returned to Narnia,
that the land was ruled by an evil witch who claims to be the Queen.
Despite this warning, Edmund continued to plan to meet with Jadis again.
When questioned by Peter and Susan, Edmund grew embarrased and refused
to admit that he had in fact seen Narnia.
Several days later, the four siblings were forced to hide in the magic wardrobe in an attempt to hide from the houskeeper Mrs. Macready.
Thus, all four stumbled into Narnia, and decided to go to visit Mr.
Tumnus, a Narnian faun that Lucy had met in her past visits. Upon
arriving at his home, however, the four were dismayed to find it empty,
with a warrant for Mr. Tumnus's arrest hanging over the door. Before
they could choose what to do, the four were distracted by a bird, who
led them into the forests where a Beaver waited. The The Pevensies in Narnia
explained to them that Narnia was indeed oppressed by the queen, called
the White Witch or whom she called her self the Queen of Narnia only to
trick Edmund in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
He then took them to his home, where he told them that the true king was called Aslan, and he had returned to reclaim his kingdom. He also told the siblings that according to Aslan's word, the four humans
were prophesied to defeat the witch and take her place as the kings and
queens of Narnia. In the midst of the meal, Edmund, still planning to
meet with the Witch, slipped away and escaped to her castle, where he
told her that he had brought his siblings as far as he could. He
discovered that she was not as kind as she had once been when she threw
him into the dungeons. Shortly afterward, Edmund was retrieved from the
dungeon and set out with the Witch on her sleigh to find his siblings.
Edmund with Aslan
On the journey to the Stone Table, they found a group of animals eating a meal provided by Father Christmas
in celebration of the return of Aslan. In her anger, she turned the lot
of them into stone by use of a magic wand she possessed. With this,
Edmund began to see what Witch truly was, and became repentant for his
earlier betrayal. Shortly afterwards, the forests began melting, a sign
which was recognized to signal the end of the White Witch's power and
the coming of Aslan.
After some time, the Witch began to realize that she would not
catch Edmund's fleeing siblings, and chose instead to kill Edmund at
once, to keep the prophecy from being fulfilled. Before she could carry
out her threat, a rescue party – sent by Aslan – attacked her, rescued
Edmund, and returned him to Narnian custody, where he at long last met
Aslan. After many words and many apologies, Edmund was made at home and
declared a prince amongst the Narnians.
Prince Edmund in Narnia
that day, the Witch came to Aslan's camp and proclaimed that Edmund was
hers by an ancient and sacred magic law set down from the begining of
time. Aslan openly confirmed that this was the law, but after a private
conference, persuaded her to renounce her right. Despite having his life
hang by a thread, Edmund remained steadfast and faithful to Aslan
during this time, showing no fear and displaying the rapid change in his
personality. After the White Witch departed, the camp made ready to
leave and recamp at the Fords of Beruna. There, plans were made for a battle the next day, which Edmund and Peter were to lead.
The next morning, according to their duties, both brothers rose and
prepared for battle, despite the mysterious disappearance in the night
of Aslan, Susan, and Lucy. Throughout the impending battle, the Witch
turned creatures into stone with her wand. Edmund, Edmund during the First Battle of Beruna
deducing advantage, took the initiative and destroyed her wand, fighting through several seasoned soldiers to do so.
In doing so, he was also severely wounded and had to be carried away to recieve immediate medical attention.
Not long after the end of the battle, Edmund's siblings arrived at his side. Lucy ran to her dying brother and used a magical cordial she had been given to save his life to heal him at once.Edmund's coronation.
Immediately afterwards, Edmund was made a knight in the presence
of Aslan. The next day, all the Narnians marched to the castle of Cair Paravel, where the Pevensie siblings were crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia.
Golden Age of Narnia
The Pevensies' reign lasted fifteen years (1000 NT-1015 NT).
Throughout their rule, Edmund became known as King Edmund the Just,
because of his great council and judgment. He also became an
accomplished diplomat and warrior, and the reign he shared with his
siblings became known as "The Golden Age of Narnia".
Fourteen years after the coronation of Edmund and his siblings,
he accompanied his sister Queen Susan to Tashbaan, to form a treaty.
While there, the prince of Calormen, Rabadash,
desired to have Susan as his wife. They both realized that Rabadash
possessed an unsavory character, but realized too late that if they
refused his offer they, and their embassy, would become prisoners. After
devising a disguised escape on their ship, the Splendor Hyaline, they
sailed to Cair Paravel.
After landing at the castle, they were informed, by a stag, that a
furious Rabadash was marching on their ally of Archenland. Edmund at
once summoned a Narnian army, and with Queen Lucy marched south to save
the Archenlanders in a hard-fought battle. Rabadash challenged Edmund,
but King Lune refused to let Edmund fight, as he felt that Radadash didn't deserve the honour.
King Edmund the Just, and Philip.
One year later, in 1015 NT, the monarchs recieved the news from Tumnus that the White Stag
had returned to Narnia. They promptly arranged a hunt for it, but were
stymied in the woods when they came upon a mysterious glade. All four
admitted to having memories of the forest, and agreed to explore
further. After going deeper into the woods, all four found themselves
back in England, still children, and their adventure took no time at
The four siblings discovered that due to Narnian magic, their
fifteen-year reign had not taken up a second on Earth, and they had not
been missed or changed. Edmund, again a young boy, returned to boarding
school with his brother that fall, greatly changed in personality. The
following year, all four siblings set out for boarding school. Peter and
Edmund went to Hendon House, and the girls went to Saint Finbar's.
While on their way, they felt a strange tugging or pinching which
Edmund recognized first as the pull of magic. Moments later, all four
were pulled out of Earth and into a strange forest.
arriving, they explored their new surroundings, an overgrown forest on
an uninhabited island. After some walking, they found a castle in ruins,
which Peter later deduced to be the formerly great castle of Cair
Paravel. Edmund argued against it, finding it impossible that Narnia
could have changed so much in one year. He was proven wrong when the
four discovered their old treasury within the ruins. The following
morning, Edmund solved the issue of the vast change in Narnia by
recalling how the times of the worlds are not concurrent.
That morning, the four monarchs stumbled upon their first sighting of
humans; two strange soldiers trying to drown a dwarf. After Peter and
Susan saved the dwarf, Edmund cut his bonds, and all four inquired after
the Narnian situation. The dwarf told them that the year was then 2303
NT, and Narnia had been overrun by a race of Telmarine humans, who had
driven the Old Narnians into hiding. The Narnians were being led by a
Telmarine prince, who promised to give them freedom when he gains back
his throne. By magic, Caspian and the Narnians had called the Kings and
Queens into Narnia to help him through Susan's horn.
Edmund and Trumpkin duel
The dwarf introduced himself as Trumpkin,
a Narnian scout sent to bring them to Caspian. After telling them he
found them unfit for battle, he was challenged to a duel with Edmund.
After a long spar, Edmund was victorious. Trumpkin then agreed to lead
all four to Caspian, and they set out. They travelled first in a boat,
and then walked on land until they encountered a gorge. The river below,
they realizes, was the Rush. They argue about which way to go when Lucy
claims she saw Aslan, but instead of going up, as Edmund and Lucy
insisted, they went down. They almost walked into a Telmarine outpost,
and were attacked with arrows, but managed to escape.
On the second night of their journey, Edmund was wakened by Lucy, who
told him Aslan had told her which way to go to Caspian. Edmund was
disgruntled, but agreed more easily than his sibings to follow her.
Edmund Pevensie in battle with the telmarine soldiers
a short walk, Edmund too was able to see and follow Aslan, and all five
reached Caspian's camp not long after. When they met with Aslan, he
greeted Edmund only by telling him, 'Well done". Peter, Edmund, and
Trumpkin then went to meet with Caspian as the queens departed with
Aslan. They arrived at Caspian's camp in time to witness Caspian's
attempted assassination by a werewolf, a hag,
and a black dwarf. After slaying the attackers, the kings were
introduced to Prince Caspian. King Peter immediately took charge and
arranged a duel
Edmund carries the challenge to Miraz
the enemy's King Miraz. Edmund was chosen to carry the challenge to the
king. Later that day, he also witnessed the duel alongside Caspian.
Edmund and Lucy finding out only they will return to Narnia.
After the duel went afoul and the Telmarines declared open battle,
Edmund was the first to rush to Peter's side and fight in the battle.
When the Telmarines retreated, Edmund pursued them to the fords of
Beruna, where their escape was cut off. Aslan, the queens, and the
Narnian reinforcements met them at the fords, where the Telmarines
surrendered. Caspian was knighted on the spot, along with many of his
The Four Kings and queens then spent several days in Caspian's
company as he set up his new reign. They departed the day after
Caspian's coronation, through a simple-looking but magical doorway and
were returned to their homeland on Earth.
The Pevensies found themselves again on their way to school, just as
they had been when they left. Edmund and Peter returned to school as
planned. The following year, their parents and Susan traveled to
America, and Edmund and Lucy were sent to stay with their Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold. Edmund was forced to stay with his cousin Eustace Scrubb,
a younger boy whom he openly detested. During this visit, he was known
to visit Lucy's private bedroom, where the two would talk about Narnia
and study a painting on Lucy's wall, which they agreed resembled a
Narnian ship. Eustace once caught them talking about Narnia, and entered
with the intention of teasing them about it. Once he entered, the
painting drew them into it, again bringing Edmund and Lucy into Narnia,
along with their cousin.
Lucy, and Eustace found themselves in the Narnian seas. After
struggling for several minutes to stay afloat together, they were
rescued by a passing ship. Edmund and Lucy were overjoyed to discover
that the ship was indeed Narnian, and was on a voyage being led by their
old friend King Caspian. Caspian welcomed them and explained that his
ship, the Dawn Treader,
was on its maiden voyage, sailing to find seven lost lords of Narnia.
Caspian's secondary purpose on the voyage was to explore to the end of
the world in the hopes that he might find Aslan there.
Shortly after arriving in Narnia, Edmund accompanied Caspian and a
small party on a walk over the island of Felimath, where the party was
captured by slaver traders. Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, and Reepicheep the
mouse were separated from Caspian and spent the night on a slave ship.
The next morning, they were sold separately at a slave auction until
Caspian and his Narnian crew shut down both the auction and the entire
trade. After being freed, the Narnians spent several more days at the
Lone Islands before sailing on.
The ship weathered a hurricane before arriving at an uninhabited
island for repairs. The day of their landing, Eustace disappeared and
Edmund and most of the crew participated in searching for him. The next
morning, Edmund and the crew were confronted by a dragon, which they
faced bravely until they realized that it was in fact Eustace, under an
enchantment. After several weeks stuck on the island due to Eustace's
predicament, Edmund woke early one morning and found someone wandering
the woods near their camp. He was overjoyed to discover that it was
Eustace, again a human. Telling his story, Eustace appeared contrite for
his earlier actions, and humbly listened to Edmund's advice. And in the
next few days, Eustace began to change.
Edmund surrounded by the Mist in the movie version
Afterwards, the Dawn Treader sailed on and was attacked by a
sea serpent before landing on another unknown island, where they found
armor, coins and and a sword which were Narnian. Then they find a
lifelike golden statue of a man in a deep pool of water. Here, Edmund
was the first to deduce that the pond was magic, and the statue was in
fact a real man turned into gold. Though aware of the pull of magic,
Edmund briefly fell under the enchantment of the island and began to
quarrel greedily with Caspian and Lucy until Aslan appeared briefly and
all were brought back into their right minds.
They next arrived on a cultivated island where they found an
empty house and an abandoned estate. They were later dismayed to
discover that the island was inhabited by invisible people who desired
to kidnap the Narnians and force them to agree to their own terms. With
no choice, the Narnian party agreed to the terms of their invisible
captors, who asked Lucy to perform a magic spell on them to make them
visible. Despite Edmund's apprehension, Lucy did so, and the Narnians
left the island on good terms with its inhabitants.
They next happened upon a dark swath of cloud with they agreed to
sail into. Upon exploring they found a man, who told them that they
were inside an island where all night-dreams came true. In terror,
Edmund and the crew rowed away with the man, who was the Lord Rhoop.
With the help of an Albatross, they were able to sail away from the Dark
Island. Rhoop was overjoyed.
Eustace, Edmund, Lucy
Continuing east, they stopped at an island where they found a table, a
feast, and three men sleeping there. Edmund was wary, but agreed to
spend the night on the island with Caspian, Lucy, Eustace, and
Reepicheep. At dawn, they were approached by a beautiful young woman who
told them of the three men, the islands, and the magic on it. Edmund
was polite, but suspicious of her until introduced to Ramandu, a star
and lord of the island who told them they must sail on until they
reached the end of the world and leave one person there.
Edmund and Lucy before their return to England.
The ship accordingly sailed on, discovering a sea of lilies known as the Silver Sea
where it became obvious that they could sail no further. Edmund, Lucy,
Reepicheep, and Eustace then went on in a rowboat to the very end of the
world, where Reepicheep separated and continued on to Aslan's Country.
The three remaining beached their boat at the End of the World, where
they were greeted by a beautiful Lamb, who turns out to be Aslan, who
bade all three to go on to Earth and told Edmund and Lucy that neither
would ever return. After rendering open the sky, he created a door and
sent all three back to England.
In 1949, he and the others who had been to Narnia (except
Susan, who was no longer a friend of Narnia)--which included Diggory
Kirke, Polly Plummer, Peter Pevensie Lucy Pevensie, Eustace Scrubb and
Jill Pole--were gathered together at Polly Plummer's home, reminiscing
over their memories of Narnia. There, they recieve a vision of Tirian,
the last king of Narnia, in suffering. The Friends of Narnia then agree
to concoct a plan to send Eustace and Jill Pole back to Narnia by means
of the magic rings, which had brought Diggory Kirke and Polly Plummer
to Narnia at its creation. Edmund and Peter, disguised as workmen,
retrieved the rings, which were buried in the backyard of Diggory
Kirke's former home. They subsequently headed to a train station, where
they were to wait for the others who were on a train. (The parents of
Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy were also on that train, though Edmund or
the others were not aware of it)
There was a railway accident, due to the train taking a turn too
fast. This was the cause of Edmund's death, including the deaths of the
Pevensie family (except for Susan), Professor Kirke and Ms. Polly.
Edmund is later seen in Aslan's Country, and is witness to the end of Narnia's World.
He, along with the other Seven Friends of Narnia, were immediately resurrected in Aslan's Country,
and reunited. They witnessed the end of the World of Narnia, reunited
with Aslan, and lived eternally thereafter with former inhabitants of
both Narnia and England.
it allwent by so fast,beginning with thecurrenttime whenme andhimare alwaystiedin a grouplessonand alwaysshare their stories.InitiallyI feelit is impossibletogetto him,Ijustknow helikes the samepersonmyclass,andIknowit was notme.tough enough tosurvive,not to showsomething thathedoes not know.
Initiallyall seemedquite comfortableand peaceful,butlife in theclassroombegan to change,there is always thatsay tous'sall verybeautifulveryhappy,likeanew motivationformy life.welltheensemblemakes us morecommittedand morecompact.
butunfortunatelyallhave passedonly a memorythatdeepens,many of the problemsthat arise, buthenevertellsmewhat's wrongandwhat's changed. preciselyon the 17th ofJulyour relationshipended.memories ofgettinghurt,stabbing,tearingand stabbingmyself.Ihave to be strongto acceptit,Ihad tostart a new lifeI havebecome a morerigid.pursuemydreams,to pursuemyfuture.I knowGodwillprovide the best foreach individualpatient.
after a breakupwe didpretty well.Thereare alwaysfightsthere is alwaysdestruction.pain, soreness,injury,pain,destroyedsowas thefeeling. Itooloveand hardto accepteverything.
events havepasseduntilitfadedmytaste,andI founda new onethat is always therebesideme.
Helloooo.... ini blog gue yang kedua, blog yang pertama cukup absurd dan rasanya males banget ngepost di sono:))
okeoke lanjut masbrohh, nama gue Yanshanti Buan Agusfina. yah nama gue emang cukup panjang tapi kan dari bonyok so pasti harus bersyukur, yaa gak?-_- lo pada bisa manggil gue Shanti
gue kelas 9 di SMPN 3 Depok angkatan bento30. di bento seru banget gue bisa ketemu sama makhluk-makhluk gokil yang pastinya bisa ngebuat yang bergabung didalam nya jadi terkena virus gila nya *apacoba
bento30 bisa dibilang angkatan sial *eh. ga cuma itu banyak banget dah kejadian kejadian konyol,kocak,camen,kece etc. disekolah mana coba yang ada ketua OSIS nya cewek? jarang beud kan yak,nah iulah sekolah gue beda dari pada yang lain.
anak-anak bento itu kecekece,cogancogan,cantikcantik yahh sangat!!! ah ngaco banget post gue yah sangat absurd kawan.
gue sangatsangat limited edition lo pada ga bakalan deh bisa ketemu sama orang jayus tingkat badai kaya gue..
okee sekian dulu yah kawan hope you can enjoy in my blog:))) goodbye lullaby, follow me at @YashaniA